Bariatric Surgery Myths: What You Should Know
Are you considering bariatric surgery to achieve your weight loss goals? This is a life-changing decision, and being well-informed is crucial. Unfortunately, many myths and misconceptions surrounding bariatric surgery can cloud your judgment and hinder you from making an informed choice. We will debunk some common myths about bariatric surgery and provide essential information to help you make the right decision for your health.

Myth: All weight loss surgeries are identical

Many believe all weight loss surgeries are identical, but that’s far from the truth. There are several bariatric surgeries, each with unique techniques and outcomes. Here are some standard procedures:
  1. Sleeve Gastrectomy: This surgery removes around 80% of the stomach, leaving a banana-sized pouch. It helps patients feel full after eating less, aiding in weight loss.
  2. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: This procedure creates a small stomach pouch and connects it directly to the small intestine. It reduces calorie absorption and promotes early satiety.
  3. Bariatric Re-operative Procedures: These surgeries modify or repair previous weight loss procedures, often used for suboptimal results or complications.

Myth: Bariatric surgery is only for cosmetic reasons.

Weight loss surgery is primarily a medical intervention designed to improve health by reducing the risk of obesity-related conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and sleep apnea. While weight loss is a significant outcome, it’s not just about appearance.

Myth: Bariatric surgery is dangerous.

Modern weight loss surgery is generally safe when performed by experienced surgeons in accredited facilities. Like any surgical procedure, there are risks, but the benefits often outweigh them for individuals with severe obesity.

Myth: Bariatric surgery is a quick fix.

This surgery is the beginning of a lifelong journey towards better health. It requires ongoing commitment to dietary changes, exercise, and follow-up care to maintain weight loss and prevent complications.

Myth: You can’t have bariatric surgery if you’re not extremely obese.

This surgery is not exclusively for those with extreme obesity. Eligibility criteria vary, and some procedures are suitable for individuals with a lower BMI who have specific medical conditions related to obesity. Check your BMI using our free BMI calculator. 

Myth: Bariatric surgery is prohibitively expensive.

Many insurance plans cover weight loss surgery when medically necessary. Exploring your insurance options and a Total Medical healthcare provider today about potential financial assistance. Total Medical also offers affordable cash prices for our services. Check out the cash price listings here.
Bariatric surgery is a significant decision that can improve your life. It’s essential to separate fact from fiction by dispelling these common myths. You can find more frequently asked questions on our FAQ page. If you are considering bariatric surgery, consult our Total Medical Weight Loss doctors. Our doctors will provide personalized guidance based on your unique needs and circumstances. Remember, bariatric surgery is a tool to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle. Your commitment and dedication are the keys to long-term success.