Debunking Myths About Medical Weight Loss Clinics
In the pursuit of shedding those extra pounds and achieving a healthier lifestyle, many individuals turn to medical weight loss clinics for professional guidance and support. However, misconceptions and myths about these clinics often arise amidst the plethora of information available, causing confusion and skepticism among potential clients. It’s time to set the record straight and debunk these myths surrounding medical weight loss clinics.

Myth #1: Medical weight loss clinics are only for severely obese individuals.

Candidates for weight loss surgery typically have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher or a BMI of 35 or higher with an obesity-related health problem such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure. You can quickly check your BMI with our easy calculator. Other factors like age, overall health, and weight loss history are also considered when determining candidacy. Candidates generally range from 18 to 65 years old, should be in good overall health, and must disclose any medical conditions that might increase surgical risks. They should also have a history of attempting weight loss through traditional methods without success. Weight loss surgery can alleviate obesity-related health problems and improve mobility, confidence, and self-esteem. At Total Medical Weight Loss, initial consultations with qualified healthcare professionals will help determine if weight loss surgery is the right option, providing education on various procedures and their benefits.

Myth #2: Medical weight loss clinics only focus on prescribing medications for weight loss.

While medication may be a component of some medical weight loss programs, like bariatric surgery and gastric bypass surgery, it’s not the sole focus. Medical weight loss clinics like Total Medical Weight Loss clinic take a holistic approach to weight loss, incorporating dietary guidance and ongoing support to help clients achieve sustainable results. Surgery attacks the main problem, however, medications, if prescribed, are often used as tools to aid in weight loss alongside other lifestyle modifications.

Myth #3: Medical weight loss clinics are expensive and not worth the investment.

Contrary to popular belief, weight loss clinics offer affordable programs that are often covered by health insurance. When considering the long-term benefits of improved health, increased energy, and reduced risk of weight-related health issues, the investment in a weightless injections, gastric bypass surgery, and gastric sleeve surgery is invaluable. At Total Medical Weight Loss clinic, we have a variety of affordable cash options that revolve around your needs so you don’t have to worry about paying an arm and a leg for a better you.

Myth #4: Medical weight loss clinics promote crash diets and quick fixes.

On the contrary, medical weight loss clinics emphasize gradual, sustainable weight loss through healthy lifestyle changes. Crash diets and quick fixes may yield temporary results, but they often lead to regaining the weight once the diet ends. Medical weight loss programs focus on education, behavior modification, and long-term lifestyle changes to promote lasting weight loss success. Here at Total Medical Weight Loss clinic, our board-certified dietician, Casey Olsen, M.S., R.D., L.D. can help you with your personalized diet.

Myth #5: Medical weight loss clinics are only for women.

Weight loss knows no gender boundaries. Medical weight loss clinics welcome individuals of all genders who are committed to improving their health and achieving their weight loss goals. The programs are tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each client, regardless of gender. Different programs could be gastric sleeve surgery, weight loss injections, and even gastric bypass surgery.

Myth #6: Medical weight loss clinics are a last resort after failing with other weight loss methods.

Many individuals turn to medical weight loss clinics as a proactive approach to weight management, rather than a last resort. At Total Medical Weight Loss clinic, we provide evidence-based strategies, professional guidance, and ongoing support to help clients achieve their weight loss goals, regardless of their previous experiences with other weight loss methods.

Myth #7: Medical weight loss clinics are only for people with medical conditions related to obesity.

While medical weight loss clinics can certainly benefit individuals with obesity-related medical conditions, they are not limited to this population. Anyone looking to lose weight, improve their health, and adopt a healthier lifestyle can benefit from the services offered by these clinics.

Myth #8: Medical weight loss clinics are intimidating and judgmental environments.

It’s actually quite the opposite, medical weight loss clinics provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment where clients can feel comfortable discussing their weight loss goals and challenges. Our staff members at Total Medical Weight Loss clinic are trained professionals who are dedicated to helping clients succeed on their weight loss journey.

Myth #9: Medical weight loss clinics are not as effective as non-medical weight loss programs.

Research has shown that medical weight loss programs, which combine medical supervision with lifestyle modifications, are more effective for long-term weight loss compared to non-medical approaches. The personalized guidance and support provided by medical weight loss clinics increase the likelihood of success and sustainable results.

Myth #10: Medical weight loss clinics are just like any other weight loss program.

Medical weight loss clinics differ from non-medical weight loss programs in several key ways. They provide medical supervision, evidence-based treatments, personalized plans, and ongoing support from trained professionals, setting them apart as a comprehensive and effective approach to weight loss.
Medical weight loss clinics offer a scientifically proven and personalized approach to weight loss that addresses the unique needs of each individual. By debunking these common myths, we hope to empower you to make informed decisions about your weight loss journey. Total Medical Weight Loss clinic stands as a prime example of a reputable medical weight loss clinic dedicated to helping clients achieve their weight loss goals and improve their overall health and well-being. At Total Medical Weight Loss clinic, we are here to provide you the best experience possible when it comes your weight loss journey.